
Full Fibre: Driving the Expansion of Cloud Computing

Businesses have never been more fast-paced, and with efficiency and security at the forefront of priorities, modern businesses need a scalable, cost-efficient, and flexible solution that on-premises storage struggle to meet.

With this rapid change, cloud services provide vital support for businesses – but they need robust, high-speed connectivity in place to get the most out of cloud computing. This is where full fibre is essential, providing the crucial connectivity backbone to support ultrafast storage and retrieval from the cloud.

The Cloud Computing Revolution

Cloud computing provides a revolutionary solution to the way businesses operate. Instead of relying on in-house data storage, businesses now have the chance to leverage cloud services from many providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. These services include everything from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) to Software as a Service (SaaS), offering businesses a data storage solution that’s faster, more cost-efficient, and more secure.

However, cloud computing acts as a critical enabler for remote collaboration transfer of large files between sites and reinforces data security with backup services in the event of a cyber security breach.

In 2022, 39% of businesses identified a cyber security attack which jeopardised important data. With cloud-based backup solutions, businesses stand in better stead to recover from these attacks. This helps to avoid costly reputational damage, regulatory sanctions from data privacy violations and even employee data theft from cybercriminals.

Why full fibre?

Cloud computing and full fibre go hand-in-hand. Cloud computing relies on a robust, fast infrastructure to transfer large data sets – only possible with a full fibre connection. Let's explore how they complement each other:

1. Speed and latency

With full fibre, the next generation of internet speed is here. Full fibre ensures that data travels at the speed of light, and with up to 10Gbps with Faster Britain, data can travel swiftly between users and cloud servers, minimising lag, and latency. This is essential for vital applications like real-time cloud-based data analysis, video conferencing, online gaming, and crypto trading. These speeds are simply unattainable without full fibre – making it vital to the full expansion of cloud computing in business.

2. Data centre connectivity

Data centres play a provides role in the cloud computing ecosystem, housing the servers and infrastructure that provide cloud services. Full fibre connections between data centres and end-users are the backbone of cloud services, as full fibre allows data to travel between data centres and users at a rapid rate – improving response times. Full fibre also allows uploading and downloading data to and from the cloud at symmetrical speeds.

3.Bandwidth demands

Cloud services are bandwidth hungry. This is especially true for businesses with extensive data transfer, upload and download requirements. With full fibre’s symmetrical speeds and infinite scalability, businesses can provide the bandwidth backbone to support cloud services without worrying about interruptions in service, bottlenecks, or congestion at peak times.

Benefits for businesses

Businesses need to utilise a connectivity infrastructure that can support demanding cloud-based services, and they need to recognise its importance ahead of competitors. Here’s what full fibre can offer businesses when implementing cloud-based services:

1. Improved productivity

High-speed, low-latency connectivity means businesses can access and collaborate on cloud-based applications without delays. This increased productivity gives businesses valuable time back and allows them to focus on the most crucial development objectives.

2. Reduced downtime

Full fibre's reliability minimises downtime, ensuring that cloud-based services are accessible when needed the most, such as during cyber security attacks. Downtime can be costly, with Siemens estimating that unplanned downtime can cost businesses 11% of their yearly revenue. With ultrafast data transfer speeds and full fibre’s resilience, businesses can use cloud services without worrying about downtime.

3. Collaboration and remote work

In today's increasingly remote work environment, full fibre offers seamless collaboration through video conferencing, cloud-based project management, and file sharing. Employees can work from anywhere with confidence in their connectivity, giving companies the chance to expand their employability reach, tap into diverse talent pools and globalise at an accelerated rate.

With Faster Britain, businesses can continue to embrace the cloud, knowing they have the connectivity backbone to thrive in the digital age. Need a connectivity solution built for the future of technology? Get in touch with us today. Top of Form

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